Spezialmaterial Records
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Artists: D & A Brun del Re

SM Music

Dominik Brun del Re:

Has studies art for five years at the F&F Schule in Zürich. He is currently a student of Art Therapy and works creatively with disabled people. Besides making music, he is a painter and has been part of many performance
projects in Switzerland and elsewhere. In hes youth he was a drummer and guitarist with various musicians. At the beginning to mid-nineties, he has added effects, drum machines, sythesizers and smplers to his artistic specturm. As from the mid-nineties he has immersed himself into electronic, danceable as well as experimental music.

Angelo Brun del Re:

He is a painter and performer. When he was young, he studies at the Zurich School of Arts, then at Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He studies the music of Ligeti, Berio, Scelsi, John Cage, Kagel and others. He had violin lesons and has built variouse noise and sound instruments himself. He works as an arts teacher at verious schools and homes and did music improvisation with kids. Angelo Brun del Re has had arts exibitions, performances and music performances in Switzerland and elsewhere.

Dominik Brun del Re
Elektronics, Fieldrecordings

Angelo Brun del Re
Klang & Selfmade Instruments
